G11 startet nicht mehr

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Re: G11 startet nicht mehr

Beitragvon Peter11 » 14.03.2021, 20:10

It works!! :D
reyalp, you did a very good job :-)

With CHDK I can use my camera. I made some photos, videos and there was no crash.

reyalp hat geschrieben:It should show the PATCH FAIL message like before if anything goes wrong.

At the first start a window appeared with a rolling bar. But it disappeared too quickly for me to read its contents.

BTW: camera startet without the <FUNC>-Key.
Beiträge: 8
Registriert: 23.02.2021, 12:10
Kamera(s): G11

Re: G11 startet nicht mehr

Beitragvon reyalp » 14.03.2021, 23:43

Peter11 hat geschrieben:It works!! :D
reyalp, you did a very good job :-)

With CHDK I can use my camera. I made some photos, videos and there was no crash.

Great, glad to hear it worked. I don't visit this forum often, so if you have problems with this camera again, you can send me a private message or post in the international forum.

At the first start a window appeared with a rolling bar. But it disappeared too quickly for me to read its contents.

This might be the firmware checksum, it says "ROM CRC" and has a progress bar. In your build, I changed this check to ignore the parts we know are already damaged or affected by the fix, so it shouldn't report errors unless there's new damage.

The checksum normally only runs once after you install CHDK, but without the fix, your camera probably crashed before it could record that it had run.

Since we don't know what caused the original problem, you might want to run the check again sometimes. You can control it in the menu CHDK menu, in miscellaneous stuff-> debug parameters -> Checksum ROM at boot.
BTW: camera startet without the <FUNC>-Key.

From the crash information recorded in your firmware dump, it appears the camera crashed because of the damage in the area related to playing sound. When you start with the clock, the startup sound is not played. When you start with the fixed CHDK, the fix is loaded before the sound is played.

If you turn off sounds in the menu, it's possible your camera will start without CHDK but there's damage in other parts of the firmware, so I wouldn't use the camera like this.
Beiträge: 29
Registriert: 25.12.2010, 01:18
Kamera(s): a540 d10 sx160 elph130 g7x sx710 elph180 sx730

Re: G11 startet nicht mehr

Beitragvon reyalp » 15.03.2021, 01:35

One more question: If you know, what version of CHDK did you originally install, and what tools did you use to install it?

If you have the original CHDK zip, please upload it here.

I would be quite surprised if this was caused by CHDK alone, but it would be good to have more information.
Beiträge: 29
Registriert: 25.12.2010, 01:18
Kamera(s): a540 d10 sx160 elph130 g7x sx710 elph180 sx730

Re: G11 startet nicht mehr

Beitragvon Peter11 » 15.03.2021, 12:36

reyalp hat geschrieben:...what version of CHDK did you originally install...

No, I can't say for sure.

If you have the original CHDK zip, please upload it here.

Deleted. :-(

The whole time I've been straining my brain to remember what I've done.

I made several attempts to make the card bootable.
The only thing I can think of is eoscard.
In my opinion, there was at most an inconsistency (see sceenshot).
I remember that the offset value wasn't so as i expected.
If you toggle the CHDK-Button the offset is changed to 0x5C. May be i saved this to the card - don't know...
Possibly there is also a refresh-problem if the SD-Card was exchanged FAT <-> FAT32. The Offset is changed if "Refresh" is pressed. But you can "Save" without that (than with previous offset).
For exaple, the screenshot shows the result. Usually this is a 16GB and now 1GB.

But with the G11 I use only a 1GB SD-card. What is the effect if I "saved" with offset x05C?
May be that isn't the Problem but my only suspicion.

Beiträge: 8
Registriert: 23.02.2021, 12:10
Kamera(s): G11

Re: G11 startet nicht mehr

Beitragvon reyalp » 15.03.2021, 18:52

Peter11 hat geschrieben:But with the G11 I use only a 1GB SD-card. What is the effect if I "saved" with offset x05C?
May be that isn't the Problem but my only suspicion.

I think it just wouldn't work. Some combinations of card format and wrong parameters might corrupt the boot sector (using the FAT16 setting on a FAT32 card, at least), but I have trouble imagining the chain of coincidences to go from that to successfully loading CHDK and damaging camera ROM :?
Beiträge: 29
Registriert: 25.12.2010, 01:18
Kamera(s): a540 d10 sx160 elph130 g7x sx710 elph180 sx730


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