- Code: Alles auswählen
@title Intervall-Fotografie
@param a Zahl der Aufnahmen
@default a 10
@param b Intervall (Min.)
@default b 0
@param c Intervall (Sek.)
@default c 10
let y=1
if y<1 then y=3
if y>3 then y=1
print ""
if y=1 then print"Bilder: <",a ,">" else print "Bilder: ",a+1
if y=2 then print"Interval min: <",b,">" else print"Interval min: ",b
if y=3 then print"Interval sek: <",c,">" else print"Interval sek: ",c
if is_key "up" then let y=y-1
if is_key "down" then let y=y+1
if y=1 and is_key "left" then let a=a-1
if y=1 and is_key "right" then let a=a+1
if y=2 and is_key "left" then let b=b-1
if y=2 and is_key "right" then let b=b+1
if y=3 and is_key "left" then let c=c-1
if y=3 and is_key "right" then let c=c+1
if is_key "set" then z=1
if is_key "display" then z=2
until z>0
if z=2 then goto "exit1"
if a<2 then let a=10
if t<1000 then let t=1000
print "Gesamtzeit:", t*a/60000, "Min.", t*a%60000/1000, "Sek."
sleep 1000
print "Aufnahme 1 von", a
for n=2 to a
print "Warte", b, "Min.", c, "Sek."
sleep t
print "Aufnahme", n, "von", a
next n
until z=2
So jetzt gehts.